Taking the letters from their last names, George McKee and Mike Skinner formed M&S Furniture of Philadelphia. Now, 30 years later M&S Furniture has grown into a 40,000 square foot facility with an impressive 20,000 square foot showroom.
A word from Mike Skinner –
Today as I opened my eyes from a restful night sleep, I look around and count my many blessings. But for some reason my mind desires to reflect back. Yes back to the beginning of M & S Furniture in Philadelphia, MS.
There is a general consensus that business owners are automaticity wealthy. Oh poor M & S Furniture was started by a couple of below average guys who barely scrapped by each month. In 1986 George McKee and Mike Skinner had a dream to start our business. After much thought M & S Furniture was born. Of course it should be obvious that the initials stand for McKee and Skinner.
In 1986 M & S Furniture opened in a small quaint building of only 4000 square feet. It was located right next to the Benwalt Hotel. Maybe we could refer to those days as the good ole days. As I reflect back at the age of 36 my very small school teacher salary did not bring very much money to the table. I had to place a second mortgage on my home in order to borrow a very small amount of cash. My father in law George McKee, a man of great wisdom, put his part of the cash in the business. In 1986 M & S Furniture was off to the races